[COMMUNIQUÉ] We demand an end to immediat returns.

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From Irídia we have joined, together with dozens of entities -InmigraPenal, Coordinadora de Barrios or APDHA, among many others- to demonstrate and demand the end of the immediat returns and for the respect of human rights. We regret that the PSOE Government decided to maintain the request for referral -initiated by the PP- of this case before the Grand Chamber of the ECHR. Furthermore, we condemn that the PSOE Government has consciously resorted to lies and induced the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR to serious error, by stating that the applicants had the effective possibility to apply for international protection at the Spanish Embassies or Consulates or at the asylum offices at the land borders of Ceuta and Melilla, and we reject that the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR conditions the right to have the expulsion based on an individualized examination and the right to an effective remedy, to the fact that the migrant person has not irregularly accessed the territory.
We want to remind the current coalition government of PSOE and UP that the ECHR establishes common minimum standards of rights for all member countries of the Council of Europe, but that this does not prevent any country from recognizing and legislating a higher standard, and we demand the immediate cessation of hot returns and repeal the 10th Additional Provision of the Immigration Law, which seeks to legalize them under the concept of “border rejections”.