Migration and border policy - Irídia Migration and border policy - Irídia

Migration and border policy


One of Irídia’s main objectives is to promote and guarantee respect for human rights in the policies, regulations and practices of immigration and border control in Spain.


The objectives of the migration and border policy line are:

  • Monitor and denounce human rights violations at the border based on communication and political and legal advocacy by promoting networking.
  • Incorporate strategic litigation in the field of institutional violence in the border context.
  • Influence the incorporation of the anti-racist and human rights perspective in the perception of migration through transformative communication.
  • Increase the capacity to influence migration policies in the Spanish State for the protection of human rights, as well as to achieve the elimination of CIEs.
  • Reinforce the work with the organizations of migrant and/or racialized people to jointly denounce migration and border control policies that affect human rights.
  • Increase advocacy capacity at European and international level, mainly through active participation in the EuroMedRights network.


investigación Irídia Border Forensics responsabilidad España Marruecos masacre Melilla 24J
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New investigation by Irídia and Border Forensics points to t...he responsibility of Spain and Morocco in the massacre of Melilla

#Borders#Institutional violence#Migrations#Violencia institucional
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We denounce police aggressions in the CIE of Barcelona in th...e context of the sanitary emergency.

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(CAT) INFORME | “Vulneracions de drets humans en les d...eportacions”



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Human rights violations in the South Border (2021-2022)

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Human rights violations at the Barcelona 2021 Foreigners Int...ernment Center

#Institutional violence#Migrations
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(CAT) Vulneracions de drets en el CIE de Barcelona el 2019
