Irídia vs. Pegasus

From Irídia, we started a crowdfunding campaign to bring to justice those responsible for state espionage.
In April 2022, the Canadian institute Citizen Lab and Amnesty International revealed the spying on 65 people between 2017 and 2022 in Spain, in what is known as the “Catalan Gate”, because the espionage was aimed at the Catalan sovereigntist movement, including defense lawyers of indicted people.
The State did it with Pegasus, a spy software developed by the Israeli company NSO Group. Since 2010, the cybersecurity company has sold Pegasus to intelligence services of states around the world to spy and intervene devices such as cell phones, tablets and computers of a large number of civil society actors.
From Irídia we represent a lawyer affected by Pegasus, who is spied to access their clients and legal strategy. This is a particularly serious incident that violates fundamental rights such as the right to defense and privacy. His case is just one of the many detected in Spain, and of the hundreds in different countries of the European Union.
Spying not only has serious consequences for the persons spied on, but also for society as a whole because of its incalculable scope. Pegasus downloads all data from the devices including photographs, locations, e-mails …..
Our goal is not only to shed light on these events, but to prevent them from happening again. To achieve this we need your help, make a contribution on this link and get different rewards. Spread the campaign among your friends.
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