Internal Irídia's ethical channel - Irídia Internal Irídia's ethical channel - Irídia

Internal Irídia’s ethical channel

Have you detected malpractice that has taken place at Irídia? Submit a complaint.

We undertake to provide a final resolution to the complaint within a maximum period of 3 months.

If you have detected malpractice, you can send information through this channel that guarantees your confidentiality. Remember: If you want, you can make an anonymous report.

The anonymity and confidentiality of the whistleblower is guaranteed to protect them from risks or threats of retaliation or intimidation. See all the information on how the channel works in our Irídia internal ethics channel policy.

How can I submit a complaint?

Online, through the Irídia Ethical Channel. This is a secure channel for accepting communications, provided that the TOR anonymization network is used, as it guarantees anonymity throughout the process, the bidirectionality of communications, and hides the identification (IP address) of the device.

To present the complaint, clear, simple and detailed language must be used, explaining the reasons for the complaint, identifying the place and time of the events. If you prefer, the external channel is the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, where it can be done electronically, or by telephone at 935 545 555.

Who can report?

The channel can be used by people who have or have previously had an employment or business relationship with Irídia: employees, candidates (for jobs), collaborators, self-employed persons, suppliers, external services, volunteers and Irídia partners.

What can I report?

This channel accepts complaints about knowledge of non-compliance with the entity’s values, ethical principles, transparency and good governance, the application of internal protocols, cases of harassment, conflicts of interest, conduct classified in the spanish Criminal Code and other crimes such as: corruption, influence peddling, fraud, accounting violations, discovery and disclosure of secrets, etc. False, misleading or bad faith complaints will not be accepted.

How is the disruptive person protected?

Any person who reports or alerts within the framework of Law 2/2023, of February 20, may obtain the status of protected whistleblower.

The personal data provided for the purpose of the complaint will be treated in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, for legitimate and specific purposes related to the investigation that may arise as a result of the complaint, and will not be used for incompatible purposes.

What is the procedure once the complaint has been submitted?

The person responsible for the system analyzes the complaint and decides whether to initiate an investigation or file it. In the event that an investigation is initiated, within a maximum period of 3 months we commit to having the final resolution of the complaint.

In the event that a complaint has been submitted and the person responsible needs more information to clarify the facts, he or she may request an interview with both the person accused and the person making the complaint in order to obtain more information and provide more guarantees for the final resolution of the complaint. Irídia processes the proceedings internally, with the utmost confidentiality and secrecy, in accordance with the law.

How do I access the complaint or find out its status?

Once the complaint is submitted, the system issues a unique code that allows you to access it later through the same link and find out if responses have been issued and what status the complaint is in.