From Irídia we are witnessing the shortcomings of the internal mechanisms of police forces. We have seen, time and time again, how cases were filed without purging responsibilities in such serious events as eye amputations for rubber bullets and foam, or in human rights violations such as the one that occurred in Melilla on 24 June 2022, where no rigorous investigation of the facts was carried out.
The creation of an independent mechanism, with competences to effectively investigate human rights violations related to the use of force by police forces, is an international recommendation that organizations such as the United Nations Human Rights Committee have issued to all states and, specifically, to the Spanish State.
This mechanism has already been in existence for many years in other countries such as the United Kingdom which has an Independent Office for Police Conduct.
Sign the request and help us to ask the parliamentary groups of the Congress of Deputies and the Parliament of Catalonia, as well as both governments, to create an external, public and independent mechanism for investigation and evaluation of police actions.
You can download the letter here.

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