Privation of liberty - Irídia Privation of liberty - Irídia

Privation of liberty

Mission statement

In the area of prisons we have the objective of monitoring the Penitentiary Centers of Catalonia and intervene in case of human rights’ violation. Likewise, we want to promote public debate on the need to generate structural changes in the penal system, incorporating a system of alternative penalties to deprivation of liberty.


  • Visualize and report rights violations in prison from an intersectional perspective.
  • Promote synergies and explore collaborations with organizations at European and international level that work in relation to deprivation of liberty.
  • Introduce the entity to the local associative fabric that surrounds the prisons from a rights perspective.
  • Obtain the status of a human rights organization to guarantee entry into prisons with the objective of monitoring.
  • Increase the capacity for advocacy with the Penitentiary Administration.
  • Accompany the processes of social and political incidence of the SAIDAVI litigations linked to persons deprived of liberty in prisons.
  • Achieve the eradication of practices that violate the fundamental rights of persons deprived of liberty, such as the practice of isolation and mechanical restraints in prison and in the CIE.
  • Work to guarantee the right to public health of persons deprived of liberty in the CIE of Barcelona.
  • Define strategies in the entity to study alternatives to prisons.


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COMMUNIQUE: IRÍDIA and OSPDH demand that Circular 2/2021 on ...mechanical restraints not be modified.

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More than 20 organizations request urgent measures to the Mi...nistry of the Interior and Penitentiary Institutions

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Human rights organizations demand that some prisoners, the p...risoners in the third degree, the ones dependent on article 100.2 of the Penitenciary Regulations and the prisoners who are enjoying permits, be sent home to serve their sentence with telematic control.

